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Orion Bluetooth headphones with 2 step ANC & Spatial Audio User manual...
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안전 및 유지관리 지침 安全和保养说明 安全和維護說明 This product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU. The declaration of conformity may be consulted at: https:/ / This stylish product is made from 100% recycled plastic.
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Charging Battery status /opladning/opladen/mise en charge/laden/carica/carga/ /batteristatus/batterij status/ 充電中/충전/充电中/充電 statut de la batterie/batteriestatus/stato della batteria/estado de la batería/バ ッ テリ ー残量/배터리 상태/电池状态/蓄電池狀態 Charge your product to 100% before using it the first time. 11-100 % 0-10 % 100 % 0-99 %...
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/lyt via Bluetooth/luister via Bluetooth/écouter encendido apagado/オン オフ/전 원/开 关/開 關 via Bluetooth/über Bluetooth hören/ascolta via Bluetooth/escuchar a través de Bluetooth/Bluetoothで聴く/블루투스 듣기/通过蓝牙收听/ 通過藍牙收聽 Step 1 Step 2 headphone flash red No LED Flash red and blue and blue 10:02 Bluetooth Bluetooth Orion 0:03...
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Bluetooth/über Bluetooth hören/ascolta via Bluetooth/escuchar a través de Bluetooth/Bluetoothで聴く/블루투스 듣기/通过蓝牙收听/ kopplung/accoppiamento Bluetooth manuale/emparejamiento manual de Bluetooth/手動でBluetoothペア リン グ/ 수동 블루투스 페어링/ 通過藍牙收聽 手动蓝牙配对/手動藍牙配對 Step 1 Step 2 headphone flash red No LED Flash red and blue and blue 10:02 Bluetooth Bluetooth Orion...
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Multipoint connection /multipoint tilslutning/meerpuntsverbinding/ connexion multipoint/mehrpunktverbindung/connessione multipunto/ conexión multipunto/多地点接続/다지점 연결/多点连接/多點連接 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Turn on Orion Connect on device 1 Turn off Bluetooth on Connect on device 2 device 1 Flash red and blue 10:02...
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Voice assistant /stemmekontrol/ stemassistent/assistance vocale/ sprachassistent/assistente vocale/asistente de voz/音声ア シ ス タ ント/ 보이스 어시스턴트/语音助手/語音助手 Step 5 Step 6 Turn on Bluetooth on Both are now connected device 1 10:02 Bluetooth Bluetooth Orion...
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リ セッ ト/초기화/恢复出厂设置/重置 tekniske specifikationer/technische specificaties/spécifications techniques/technische spezifikationen/ specifiche tecniche/ especificaciones técnicas/技術仕様/기술 사양/技术规格/技術規範 First, remove Orion from your Bluetooth list (all devices). • Hybrid active noise cancellation (ANC) 2 steps: ANC step 1: 15~20dB, ±3dB. ANC step 2: 30~35dB, ±3dB.
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Orion shouldn’t be left in your car. Especially not in the sunlight. 21. A battery subjected to extremely low air pressure may result in an 8. Do not charge in direct sunlight. Orion can operate from -20 to 60 explosion or leakage of flammable liquid or gas.
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Orion bør ikke efterlades i din bil. Især ikke i sollys. 8. Oplad ikke i direkte sollys. Orion virker fra -20 til 60 grader celcius og Hvis du oplever nogle problemer med dit produkt, bedes du kontakte kan lade fra 0 til 45 grader celcius.
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Orion mag niet in uw auto achterblijven. Vooral niet in het zonlicht. achterlaat, kan dit leiden tot een explosie of lekkage van brandbare 8. Niet opladen in direct zonlicht. Orion kan werken van -20 tot 60 vloeistof of gas. graden Celsius en opladen van 0 tot 45 graden.
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Orion ne doit pas être laissé dans votre voiture. Surtout pas au soleil. 20. Laisser une batterie dans un environnement à température 8. Ne chargez pas en plein soleil. Orion peut fonctionner de -20 à 60 extrêmement élevée peut entraîner une explosion ou une fuite de degrés Celsius et charger de 0 à...
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Explosion führen. Leiterplatte beschädigen kann. 20. Wenn eine Batterie in einer Umgebung mit extrem hohen Orion sollte nicht in Ihrem Auto gelassen werden. Vor allem nicht im Temperaturen belassen wird, kann dies zu einer Explosion oder zum Sonnenlicht.
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8. Non caricare alla luce solare diretta. Orion può funzionare da -20 a 21. Una batteria sottoposta a una pressione atmosferica estremamente 60 gradi Celsius e caricare da 0 a 45 gradi.
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8. No cargar bajo la luz solar directa. Orion puede funcionar entre -20 y 21. Una batería sometida a una presión de aire extremadamente 60 grados centígrados y cargarse entre 0 y 45 grados.
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6. 내부 회로 기판을 손상시킬 수 있으므로 제품을 극한의 추위에 노출시키지 마십시오. 7. Orion 은 차 안에 두면 안 됩니다. 특히 직사광선을 맞지 않게 하십시오. 8. 충전 중 직사광선에 노출되도록 하지 마십시오. Orion은 섭씨 -20도에서 60도 사이에서 작동 및 충전이 가능합니다.