Do not dispose with household waste! The law requires that you
dispose of this electrical device (including all accessories and parts)
at a designated recycling collection point for electrical devices. For
details see section 11. Disposal.
2. Contraindications
The device is not designed for everyone. Hair removal by intense pulsed light sources can cause
increased hair growth in some individuals, although it is extremely rare (less than 1% of the
population). Potential areas for women are the face and neck, and for men, the back, shoulders
and upper arms, although it could also affect other areas. The highest risk groups are people from
the Mediterranean, Middle East and South Asia. If you are not sure if the device is for you, please
contact your dermatologist.
The device must not be used by the following people: children, people under the age of 17,
adults with limited physical, sensory or psychological capacities, or those lacking experience or
knowledge in how to use the device.
The microcurrent is generally safe and no major safety concerns are attributed to this technology.
Caution should be used for subjects with suspected or diagnosed heart problems, epilepsy, and a
tendency to hemorrhage following acute trauma or fracture. Treatment should not be performed
over areas of the skin which lack normal sensation.
Do not use the device if you:
have naturally dark skin (refer to the skin color chart at the front of this user manual).
Treating dark skin can result in adverse effects such as burns, blisters, and skin color
changes (hyper- or hypo-pigmentation).
have naturally white, grey, blond and red body hair. If your body hair is of these colors,
the device will not work on you.
are pregnant or nursing.
have been on a steroid regimen within the past 3 months.
have a history of keloidal scar formation, a known sensitivity to light (photosensitivity) or
are taking medication that makes the skin more sensitive to light, including non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory agents, (e.g., aspirins, ibuprofens, acetaminophen), tetracyclines,
phenothiazines, thiazide, diuretics, sulfonyluraes, sulfonamides, DTIC, fluorouracil,
vinblastine, griseofulvin, Alpha-Hydroxi Acids (AHAs), Beta-Hydroxi Acids (BHAs), Retin-A®,
Accutane® and/or topical retinoids.
have been treated with Accutane® (isotretinoin) within the past 6 months.
are currently or have recently been treated with Alpha-Hydroxi Acids (AHAs), Beta-Hydroxi
Acids (BHAs), Retin-A®, topical retinoids or azelaic acid.
have suffered or suffer from epilepsy.
have an active implant, such as a pacemaker, incontinence device, insulin pump, etc.
have a disease related to photosensitivity, such as porphyria, polymorphic light eruption,
solar urticaria, lupus, etc.
have a history of skin cancer or areas of potential skin malignancies.
have received radiation therapy or chemotherapy treatments within the past 3 months.
have received drugs from your physician for a skin condition within the past 6 months.