First Time Setup
For your convenience, First Time Set up menu will be displayed on screen when the set is turned on for the
first time. If needed, follow the menus and procedures displayed on-screen for setting up the features.
• Auto scan must be done when you select the input signal for the first time or whenever you change the antenna configuration.
• Depending on conditions, Auto scan may take a while.
Input Setup
To select the configuration of RF input depending on the signal source.
No video will be displayed in this setup mode.
F i r s t
T i m e
S e t u p
I n p u t
S e t u p
S e t t i n g
A u t o
S c a n
L a n g u a g e
Press VOL ► to select Cable only, Cable/Antenna, or Antenna only.
Press OK to underline your selection.
When the next screen is displayed, press OK to start the Auto Scan. All
available channels with a signal will be programmed into memory.
Auto Scan
This feature allows you to selectively auto scan channels. You can Scan All,
Analog only channels, or Analog & Digital channels.
F i r s t
T i m e
S e t u p
I n p u t
S e t u p
Scan All
Antenna (A) Analog
A u t o
S c a n
Antenna (A) Analog & Digital
L a n g u a g e
Antenna (B) Analog
Antenna (B) Analog & Digital
Press OK to start Auto Scan.
After Auto Scan is completed the unit tunes to the first channel found during
auto scan.
• If DCM (Digital Cable Module) is present during the First Time Setup and Antenna (A)
is set to cable, Antenna (A) will not be scanned due to the DCM providing the channel
• If setup is incomplete, check connection of Antenna/Cable to the RF IN Terminal, then
try Auto Scan again. (PP. 30-31)
The language of the on-screen display is set to English as the factory setting.
You can select English, Spanish or French as the on-screen display language.
F i r s t
T i m e
S e t u p
I n p u t
S e t u p
S e t t i n g
A u t o
S c a n
L a n g u a g e
Press ◄ VOL or VOL ► to select desired language, then press OK to set.
Power ON / OFF
C a b l e
O n l y
E n g l i s h