Preparing your harness
First settings
Cocoon adjustment:
(if equipped)
A well-adjusted cocoon keeps your legs straight during the
flight, without effort. Too short a setting forces the pilot to
force the cocoon taut, and too long a setting prevents
comfortable support. In both cases, the pilot expends
unnecessary energy to keep the legs straight.
The straps allow you to adjust the length of the upper and
lower parts independently, according to your preferences.
In order to obtain an optimal cocoon adjustment, several flights
In order to obtain an optimal cocoon adjustment, several flights
may be necessary to refine the length of the different straps.
may be necessary to refine the length of the different straps.
The pilot's posture and posture may differ between the gantry
The pilot's posture and posture may differ between the gantry
and the actual situation in the air.
and the actual situation in the air.
Cocoon adjustment:
As presented in the introduction, the Kanibal Race II was
designed with one objective: Performance!
It would be a shame not to make the most of it ...
The goal here is to show you the optimum in-flight profile to
allow you to obtain the best in terms of performance.
The Kanibal Race II is a major competition and cross country
The Kanibal Race II is a major competition and cross country
harness. For this type of flight, a prone position is
harness. For this type of flight, a prone position is
recommended. If the pilot's position is too "seated", it is
recommended. If the pilot's position is too "seated", it is
possible that the general harness profile becomes deformed,
possible that the general harness profile becomes deformed,
and looses its optimum
and looses its optimum