SLB700A/06VA1, SLB700A/06VA2
In accordance with national and local environmental protection and material
recovery and recycling regulations, old transducers that can no longer be
used must be disposed of separately and not with normal household waste.
If you need more information about waste disposal, please contact your local
authorities or the dealer from whom you purchased the product.
Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel means persons entrusted with siting, mounting, starting
up and operating the product, who possess the appropriate qualifications for
their function.
This includes people who meet at least one of the three following require-
- Knowledge of the safety concepts of measurement and automation
technology is a requirement and as project personnel, you must be familiar
with these concepts.
- As measurement and automation plant operating personnel, you have been
instructed how to handle the machinery. You are familiar with the operation
of the equipment and technologies described in this documentation.
- As commissioning engineers or service engineers, you have successfully
completed the training to qualify you to repair the measurement and au-
tomation systems. You are also authorized to activate, ground and label cir-
cuits and equipment in accordance with safety engineering standards.
It is also essential to comply with the legal and safety requirements for the ap-
plication concerned during use. The same applies to the use of accessories.
The strain transducers must only be installed by qualified personnel, strictly in
accordance with the specifications and with the safety requirements and regu-
lations listed below.
A3253-2.0 en/de/fr