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½ small onion
1 tomato, skinned and seeds
1 small green chilli, deseeded
½ clove garlic, crushed
few parsley sprigs
1 ripe avocado
15ml lemon juice
salt and pepper
Fit the lower blade to the bowl.
Cut the onion, tomato and chilli
into pieces approximately 1 -2cm
in size.
Place in the bowl with the garlic
and parsley and pulse on speed 2
until finely chopped. Transfer to a
serving bowl. Remove the skin and
stone from the avocado and cut
the flesh into 1-2cm cubes. Place
into the bowl with the lemon juice
and pulse on speed 2 until a fairly
fine puree is achieved. Combine
the avocado puree with the tomato
mix and season to taste.
200g drained weight of tinned
1 clove garlic, crushed
15ml tahini paste
15ml olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
salt and pepper
Fit the lower blade to the bowl.
Place all the ingredients into the
bowl in the above order and blend
on speed 2 for approximately 30
seconds, scraping down the bowl
as necessary until a smooth
consistency is achieved. Operate
for a shorter time if a coarser
consistency is required.
250ml olive oil
2 whole eggs
4 drops lemon juice
salt and pepper
Place the egg, lemon juice and
seasoning into the bowl. Fit the lid.
Switch to speed 2 and gradually
add the oil to the feeder cup,
topping up as necessary to ensure
a constant flow of oil. Switch off
when all the oil has been added.