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red lion 6RLPG-2U Mode D'emploi

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Liens rapides

safety warnings
Before operating or installing
this pump, read this manual and
follow all safety warnings and
operating instructions.
Carefully read the safety messages in this manual
and on the pump. Keep this manual with the pump at all times.
All persons to whom you rent or lend this pump must have access
to and read this owner's manual. Keep this manual with the pump at
all times and advise all persons who will operate the pump to read it.
You must also provide personal instruction on how to safely operate
the pump, and you must be available to answer any questions that
the renter or borrower might have.
When running, the engine on this pump produces
carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas. Breathing
carbon monoxide can cause nausea, fainting, or death.
Operate this pump ONLY outdoors.
Keep exhaust gas from entering a confined area through
windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openings.
Use this pump for water only, where the vertical suction head from
the water level is 25 ft. (8m) or less. Head refers to the height of a
column of water that can be delivered by the discharge of the pump
(Figure 1). Suction head (or suction lift) is the vertical distance between
the center of the pump and the surface of the liquid on the suction
side of the pump. Discharge head is the vertical distance between
the pump's discharge port and the point of discharge. Total head is
location: For permanent installation, put the pump in a clean,
dry, and ventilated place (Figure 1).
Keep the suction line as short as possible. This will allow the
pump to operate at maximum performance and to ensure that
the casing does not overheat due to the absence of water.
mounting: Mount the pump on a rigid foundation to eliminate
creeping due to vibration.
suction line: Use a suction line the same size as the suction
on the pump. if the suction pipe is long, increase it by one size
to improve flow. Slope the suction line upwards to the pump to
avoid air pockets in the line and hard priming.
998507 rev. 002
mOdEls: 6RlpG-2u
Do not operate the pump inside any building, confined area,
or enclosure such as basements, garages, or similar locations,
even if doors and windows are open
Make sure all connections are tight.
Never use with flammable fluids.
Turn off engine before servicing.
If fuel is spilled, avoid creating any source of ignition until the
fuel vapors have been cleaned up and removed.
Review instructions before operating.
Wear ear protection to reduce objectionable noise.
cAuTION: dO NOT OpERATE ThIs pump dRY!
the sum of the suction head and the discharge head. The elevation
above sea level and friction losses must be taken into consideration.
caution: do not operate this pump dry. water is required to
lubricate pump seal. This pump has been tested and operated under
actual working conditions. Engine, pump, and all accessories were
found satisfactory. If the pump is not performing as specified, check
inSTallaTion and TroUblESHooTing sections carefully.
d) suction pipe: Use thread compound on all pipe joints. Connec-
tions must be tight, and pipe should be clean and uncorroded.
suction hose: if the suction line runs generally vertical, use
an elbow on the hose to prevent kinking. Use double clamps on
all hose joints. Connections must be tight, and a suction strainer
is required to filter abrasive material.
note: if you use the pump for dewatering, attach a suction
screen to the suction line.
note: The main cause of pumping problems is a leak in the
suction line. Even a tiny leak reduces priming and
pumping greatly.



Sommaire des Matières pour red lion 6RLPG-2U

  • Page 1 ENGINE-dRIvEN TRANsFER pump mOdEls: 6RlpG-2u 6RlpG-2K safety warnings Before operating or installing this pump, read this manual and follow all safety warnings and operating instructions. WARNING: Carefully read the safety messages in this manual and on the pump. Keep this manual with the pump at all times.
  • Page 2 operation caution: do not run the pump Before priming it. the seal and impeller could Be permanently damaged. preparing the engine: Follow the engine manufacturer's line is above the water level being pumped, it will take a few instructions before operating. minutes to lift the water to the casing and then to discharge it.
  • Page 3 trouBleshooting proBlems causes solutions pump will not pump air leak in suction line. Make sure suction hose is double clamped at joints, clamps are tight, fittings have thread compound and are tight, with no nicks or cuts in hose. The suction and/or discharge line(s) may be blocked, or the Check to see that the lines and valves are in good working order.
  • Page 4 WARRANTY For warranty consideration, the Red Lion brand (hereafter “the Brand”) warrants that the products specified in this warranty are free from defects in material or workmanship of the Brand. During the time periods and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Brand will repair or replace to the original user or consumer any portion of this product which proves defective due to materials or workmanship of the Brand.
  • Page 5 TRANsFERT AcTIONNéE pAR mOTEuR 6RlpG-2u 6RlpG-2K consignes de sÉcuritÉ aVant d'installer ou d'utiliser cette pompe, priÈre de lire le prÉsent guide et suiVre toutes les rÈgles de sÉcuritÉ et in- structions d'utilisation. AvERTIssEmENT : Lire attentivement les avis de sécurité...
  • Page 6 fonctionnement mise en garde : de ne pas faire fonctionner la pompe à sec aVant l’amorçage, sinon le joint d’ÉtanchÉitÉ et la roue de turBine seraient endommagÉs de façon permanente. prÉparation du moteur : Suivre les instructions du fabricant ment. Si la ligne de succion est au-dessus du niveau d'eau à avant de mettre le moteur en marche.
  • Page 7 guide de dÉpannage proBlÈmes causes proBaBles solutions Fuite d’air dans la conduite d’aspiration. S’assurer que les joints du tuyau d’aspiration ont un double collier la pompe ne fonc- de serrage, que les colliers sont bien serrés, que les raccords ont tionne pas été...
  • Page 8 GARANTIE lImITéE Lors des requêtes en garantie, la marque de Red Lion (ci-après appelée « la Marque ») garantit les produits spécifiés dans cette garantie contre tout défaut de matériaux et de main-d’oeuvre. Pendant les périodes couvertes par la garantie et selon les conditions indiquées dans la présente, la Marque réparera ou remplacera toute partie de ce produit présentant une défaillance liée aux matériaux ou à...
  • Page 9 BOmBA mOTORIzAdA dE TRANsFERENcIA dE AlumINIO 6RlpG-2u 6RlpG-2K adVertencias de seguridad lea este manual y siga todas las reglas de seguridad antes de instalar u operar esta BomBa. AdvERTENcIA: Lea cuidadosamente estos mensajes de seguridad en este manual y en la bomba.
  • Page 10 funcionamiento pREcAucIóN: no operar la BomBa antes de cargarla, el sello y el propulsor podrían dañarse permanentemente. cÓmo preparar el motor: Siga las instrucciones del será bombeada, tomará unos minutos para llevar el agua al cuerpo fabricante antes de hacerla funcionar. de la bomba y descargarla.
  • Page 11 taBla para solucionar proBlemas proBlemas causas soluciones la bomba no Hay fuga de aire en la línea de succión. asegúrese que la manguera de succión esté con doble abra- bombea zaderas en las uniones, que estén bien ajustadas, que los acoplamientos tengan compuesto en las roscas y que estén bien ajustados, que no haya doblez ni cortes en la manguera.
  • Page 12 GARANTíA lImITAdA Para consideraciones de la garantía, la marca de Red Lion (denominada de ahora en adelante “la Marca”), garantiza que los productos especificados en esta garantía están libres de defectos en los materiales y en la mano de obra de la Marca. Durante el período, y sujeto a los términos estipulados en este documento, la Marca reparará...

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