The contactor (K20) for the immersion heater (E10) of mono
energy systems (HG2) should be dimensioned according to
the radiator output and must be supplied by the customer. It
is controlled (230 V AC) by the heat pump manager via ter-
minals N and N1-J13/NO4.
The contactor (K21) for the flange heater (E9) in the hot
water cylinder should be dimensioned according to the radi-
ator output and must be supplied by the customer. It is con-
trolled (230 V AC) by the heat pump manager via terminals
N and N1-J16/NO 10.
The contactors mentioned above in points 3, 4 and 5 are in-
stalled in the electrical distribution system. Mains cables for
the installed heaters must be laid and secured in accord-
ance with the valid standards and regulations.
All installed electric cables must have permanent wiring.
The heat circulating pump (M13) is connected to N1-J13/
NO5 and X2/N. When using pumps where the switching ca-
pacity exceeds the output, a coupling relay must be inter-
The auxiliary circulating pump (M16) is connected to N1-
J16/NO9 and X2/N. When using pumps where the switching
capacity exceeds the output, a coupling relay must be inter-
10) The domestic hot water circulating pump (M18) is connected
to N1-J12/NO6 and X2/N. When using pumps where the
switching capacity exceeds the output, a coupling relay must
be interposed.
11) The brine or well pump (M11) is connected to N1-J12/NO3
and X2/N. When using pumps where the switching capacity
exceeds the output, a coupling relay must be interposed.
12) The return sensor (R2) is integrated into heat pumps for in-
door installation.
The heat pump manager is connected via the following ter-
minals: GND and N1-J2/U2.
13) The external sensor (R1) is connected to terminals GND and
14) The domestic hot water sensor (R3) is included with the do-
mestic hot water cylinder and is connected to terminals X3/
GND and N1-J2/U3..
7.5.3 Connecting an electronically
regulated circulating pump
Electronically regulated circulating pumps have high starting cur-
rents, which may shorten the service life of the heat pump man-
ager. For this reason, a coupling relay is installed or must be in-
stalled between the output of the heat pump manager and the
electronically regulated circulating pump. This is not necessary if
the permissible operating current of 2 A and a maximum starting
current of 12 A are not exceeded in the electronically regulated
circulating pump or if express approval has been issued by the
pump manufacturer.
It is not permitted to connect more than one electronically regulated
circulating pump via a relay output.
All manuals and user guides at
8.1 General Information
To ensure that start-up is performed correctly, it should only be
carried out by an after-sales service technician authorised by the
manufacturer. These measures can also include an additional
warranty under certain conditions (see Warranty).
8.2 Preparation
The following items need to be checked prior to start-up:
8.3 Start-up Procedure
The heat pump is started up via the heat pump manager.
The heat pump must be started up in accordance with the installation and
operating instructions of the heat pump manager.
If an overflow valve is fitted to assure the minimum heating water
flow rate, the valve must be set in accordance with the require-
ments of the respective heating system. Incorrect adjustment
can lead to faulty operation and increased energy consumption.
We recommend carrying out the following procedure to correctly
adjust the overflow valve:
Close all of the heating circuits that may also be closed during
operation (depending on the type of heat pump usage) so that
the most unfavourable operating state - with respect to the water
flow rate - is achieved. This normally means the heating circuits
of the rooms on the south and west sides of the building. At least
one heating circuit must remain open (e.g. bathroom).
The overflow valve should be opened far enough to produce the
maximum temperature spread between the heating flow and re-
turn flow listed in the table below for the current heat source tem-
perature. The temperature spread should be measured as close
as possible to the heat pump. The heating element of mono en-
ergy systems should be disconnected during start-up.
452232.66.22 · FD 9511
The heat pump must be fully connected, as described in
Chapter 7.
The heat source system and the heating circuit must have
been filled and checked.
The dirt trap must be inserted in the brine inlet of the heat
All valves that could impair proper flow in the brine and heat-
ing circuits must be open.
The heat pump manager must be adapted to the heating
system in accordance with the controller's operating instruc-
Heat source
Max. temperature spread
between heating flow and return
-5° C
0° C
1° C
5° C
6° C
9° C
10° C
14° C
15° C
20° C
21° C
25° C
10 K
11 K
12 K
13 K
14 K
15 K