1. Information about
this short manual
This short manual is an abridged printed ver-
sion of the full user manual.
Carefully read the safety instructions and the
full user manual before using the appliance
for the first time. Observe the warnings on
the appliance and in the user manual to pre-
vent damage to people and property. Keep
the documents close to hand and if you give
this product to someone else, ensure that
you also hand over the documents, as they
are an essential component of the product.
How do I contact the Service
The contact details can be
found in the full user manual.
Where can I find the full user
The full user manual is available
for viewing and download-
ing by scanning the QR code
1.1. Explanation of symbols
If a passage is marked with one of the warn-
If a passage is marked with one of the warn-
ing symbols listed below, follow the warning
ing symbols listed below, follow the warning
notices in order to prevent the hazards de-
notices in order to prevent the hazards de-
scribed in the text and the potential conse-
scribed in the text and the potential conse-
quences described there.
quences described there.
Warning: risk of fatal injury!
Warning: risk of possible fatal
injury and/or serious irreversible
Warning: risk of electric shock!
Warning: risk of explosive mate-
Warning: risk of minor and/or
moderate injuries!
Follow these instructions to pre-
vent damage to the appliance!
More detailed information about
using the appliance!
Follow the instructions in the
user manual!
Symbol for protection class II
electrical appliances
Direct current symbol
Polarity marking
Symbol for electrical switched-
mode power supply
Symbol for transformer –
short-circuit proof
Indoor use
Symbol for energy efficiency
level VI