There is a protective film on the surface to protect the product, please
tear it off after installation to get the final presentation. If you do not
damage the film during installation, it can also remain on the product
to protect the product.
Please place the product on a flat ground to prevent leaning and
collapse. If the ground is uneven, the door may can't be closed.
Safety Precautions
1. We recommend two adults to complete the installation. Two
adults installed together will make the installation process easier
and safer.
2. The gloves must be carried to prevent hand cuts during
3. Take care when using power tools near water the use of a
residual current device(RCD) is advised.
4. Please use the electric driver carefully during screwing to
prevent the screw from slipping and hurting your hand.(We
recommend that beginners use a manual screwdriver for
5. Be careful not to fall when installing the roof. Please steady the
ladder and make sure the product placed on a flat ground.
● For your safety concern, please do not stand under the metal shed
in heavy wind or snow days.
● For safety, please use expansion screws to reinforce the posts to
the ground.
● In extreme weather conditions, you can use a rope to pull the four
corners of the gazebo to keep it stable.
● Please clear the snow off the roof in time for the heavy snowfall.
Make sure all screws are tightened before use.
● Repeat to confirm all screws, buckles and straps every 90 days.
Please keep all screws loose during the assembly process and tighten
them after completing the installation.
● Do not use or store objects in the Metal Shed with open flames or
flammable chemicals.
● Please note that some parts have sharp edges and should be
handled with gloves.
● If any parts are missing, broken, damaged or worn, discontinue use
of the product until repairs are made or factory replacement parts are