The second pass can then be started by turning the wheel.
Manual turning can be stopped as soon as the display shows "run".
The machine will then measure the wheel imbalance.
The display shown opposite appears after the balancing process.
The braking process can now be initiated.
Remove the calibration weight (100 g) from the inside of the wheel
rim and move to the outside.
The third pass can then be started by turning the wheel.
Manual turning can be stopped as soon as the display shows "run".
The machine will then measure the wheel imbalance.
The display shown opposite appears after the balancing process and
shows the correct calibration.
The braking process can now be initiated.
Calibrating the weight sensors (lorry)
The machine MUST be calibrated at a minimum before the season or after a longer period of downtime.
Use the "Model" button to select lorry mode
Clamp a wheel that has already been balanced (22.5") and
enter the wheel values (see Usage, Point 4).
TIP: If no balanced wheel is available, you can also carry out
calibration using the wheel, balance the wheel afterwards and
restart calibration using the balanced wheel.
® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, All rights reserved / Misprints and technical changes reserved / As of: 2020-03
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Manufacturer ATH-Heinl GmbH & CO.KG
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