Agreement to Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver. You and LG agree to
resolve any claims between us only by binding arbitration on an individual basis,
unless you opt out as provided below, or you reside in a jurisdiction that prevents
full application of this clause in the circumstances of the claims at issue (in which
case if you are a consumer, this clause will only apply if you expressly agree to the
arbitration). To the extent permitted by applicable law, any dispute between you
and LG shall not be combined or consolidated with a dispute involving any other
person' s or entity' s product or claim. More specifically, without limitation of the
foregoing, except to the extent such a prohibition is not permitted at law, any
dispute between you and LG shall not under any circumstances proceed as part
of a class or representative action. Instead of arbitration, either party may bring an
individual action in small claims court, but that small claims court action may not be
brought on a class or representative basis except to the extent this prohibition is
not permitted at law in your province or territory of jurisdiction as it relates to the
claims at issue between us.
Arbitration Rules and Procedures. To begin arbitration of a claim, either you or LG
must make a written demand for arbitration. The arbitration will be private and
confidential, and conducted on a simplified and expedited basis before a single
arbitrator chosen by the parties under the provincial or territorial commercial
arbitration law and rules of the province or territory of your residence. You must
This arbitration provision is governed by your applicable provincial or territorial
commercialarbitrationlegislation.Judgmentmaybeenteredonthearbitrator' s
award in any court of competent jurisdiction. All issues are for the arbitrator to
decide, except that, issues relating to the scope and enforceability of the arbitration
provision and to the arbitrability of the dispute are for the court to decide. The
arbitrator is bound by the terms of this provision.
Safety Guidelines