Make sure that the cleaner is turned off (the indicator lights are completely off). Remove the cleaner from the water and place
it on a dry flat surface. Unscrew the waterproof cap on the cleaner, dry the charging port thoroughly and insert the charging
connector into the port. If the battery charger light is red, it indicates that the cleaner is charging. When the light turns green,
it indicates that charging is complete.
Color and Status of
Indicator lights
Green light is always on
Red light is always on
Place the cleaner on a flat, dry surface, open the top cover by hand and access the filter basket as shown
in (Figure 4-1), and (Figure 4-2).
IV.2 Charging the Cleaner
IV.2 Charging the Cleaner
IV.2.2 Charger Indicator Light Status
Charging State
Charging is complete or the cleaner is fully
charged, or the battery is not plugged in
Cleaner needs to be
IV.3 Removing the Filter Basket
Figure 4-1
Figure 4-2