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J-Power Group CESSNA 182 Instructions D'assemblage Et Mode D'emploi page 22


3. Mantenga el nivel de vuelo: Si su Cessna 182 sube ó baja, ajuste el trim de
elevador en el transmisor.
Flight attention
Règles de pilotage à respecter
Sicherheitshinweise zum Fliegen
Precauzioni di volo
Advertências sobre o vôo
Atenciónes de vuelo
(1) Never fly in windy conditions, rain or bad weather.
(1) N'utilisez JAMAIS votre avion en cas de mauvaises conditions climatiques ou
par grand vent.
(1) Fliegen Sie nicht bei starkem Wind oder schlechtem Wetter.
(1) Mai volare in condizioni di vento forte o maltempo.
(1) Nunca voe com ventos ou mau tempo.
(1) Nunca vuele en condiciones ventosas ó de mal tiempo.
(2) Always check the channel frequencies of other models flying around you,
make sure they are not on the same frequency before turning on your
(2) Vérifiez TOUJOURS qu'aucun autre modéliste n'utilise la même fréquence
que vous avant d'allumer votre émetteur.
(2) Bevor Sie den Sender einschalten, sprechen Sie sich immer mit anderen
Modellfliegern ab, damit es keine doppelte Belegung Ihrer Sendefrequenz gibt
(bei Verwendung einer 2,4 GHz-Fernsteuerung nicht notwendig).
(2) Verificare che nessun' altro voli con la vostra stessa frequenza.
(2) Antes de ligar o transmissor, tenha certeza de que não há outros modelos na
mesma frequência.
(2) Siempre compruebe con otros modelistas la frecuencia del transmisor, antes
de encender.
(3) Taking off: (always take off into wind)
The CESSNA 182 can be hand-launched: Open the throttle and run several
feet (meters) to accelerate the plane to flying speed and release the CESSNA
182 keeping it horizontally into the wind, as shown bellow.
Launching CESSNA 182 from a runway: Open the power and let CESSNA
182 accelerate, keep it running straight, once you are up to flying speed you
can pull back on the elevator stick, and the plane will take off. Do not pull to
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