5.3. Single Timing Step Method
Most of colorimetric methods have only one timing step. As an example, in the DPD
free chlorine method, it takes one minute for the DPD powder reagent to completely
react with chlorine in the water sample. The DPD free chlorine method has a single
one-minute timing step. Figure 11 shows the main page of a method with a single timing
Figure 10. Concentration as a Function of
5.4. Single-Vial Procedure
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Place the sample vial filled with the water sample in the AP50MM sample vial
compartment and press the ZERO button. The AP50MM will display the
page shown in Figure 11.
Take the sample vial out and add the reagent to the sample vial.
Place sample vial back into the sample vial compartment and press the timer
button TMR1. The AP50MM will start to monitor the reaction between the
reagent and the species you want to measure in the water sample. The
concentration is shown in the chart as a function of time (Figure 10).
When the timer reaches the preset time and the reaction is complete, the
value of concentration will be shown on the top right corner of the page.
The rate of the reaction is often faster than the standard pre-set time, which
will become apparent from the concentration-time plot. You can press the
STOP button to stop the timer and terminate the timing step. The last read
concentration value will be displayed on the top right corner of the page after
you terminate the timing step.
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Figure 11. Single Timer Method