The blade attachments are dishwasher-safe.
A sealing ring is located in the attachments. This ring ensures that the beaker
or mixing container does not leak during preparation. After each cleaning
operation and prior to every use, check whether the sealing ring is still in the
correct position.
Beakers and keep-fresh lids
❐ It is essential that you store the prepared food in the fridge. Do not eat any food that
has gone off and only use fresh ingredients that have not yet passed the best-before
Beaker with fl ip open lid
Sprinkle lids
The beakers are suitable for smaller portions (small beaker: 350 ml;
large beaker: 500 ml). For storage purposes, you can seal the beaker
shut with a keep-fresh lid after you have fi nished preparation.
The beakers and keep-fresh lids are dishwasher-safe.
A sealing ring is located in the keep-fresh lids. This ring
ensures that a beaker can be sealed airtight and does
not leak. After each cleaning operation and prior to every
use, check whether the sealing ring is still in the correct
The beaker (500 ml) with fl ip open lid is suitable for mixed drinks to go.
The sprinkle lids are suitable for sprinkling ground ingredients.
The sprinkle lids are dishwasher-safe.