XVP properties
XVP properties
XVP properties
Addressing mode
Addressing mode
Addressing mode
IP address
IP address
IP address
Conversation time (s)
Conversati o n ti m e (s)
Conversati o n ti m e (s)
The "Ring time" is the maximum time for which the entry panel will ring while
The "Ring time" is the maximum time for which the entry panel will ring while
The "Ring time" is the maximum time for which the entry panel will ring while
waiting for an answer.Where the call is diverted, this timeout restarts with each
waiting for an answer. Where the call is diverted, this timeout restarts with each
waiting for an answer. Where the call is diverted, this timeout restarts with each
diversion. It must be longer than the "Ring time with diversion" configured on
diversion. It must be longer than the "Ring time with diversion" configured on
diversion. It must be longer than the "Ring time with diversion" configured on
the server.
the server.
the server.
Ri n g ti m e (s)
Ring time (s)
Ri n g ti m e (s)
Always send AUX
Always send AUX
Always send AUX
SIP username
SIP username
SIP username
Door opening time (s)
Door openi n g ti m e (s)
Door openi n g ti m e (s)
Dusk notified by
Dusk notified by
Dusk notified by
Door open alarm time (s)
Door open al a rm ti m e (s)
Door open al a rm ti m e (s)
Open door contact
Open door contact
Open door contact
Lift management aux.
Lift management aux.
Lift management aux.
Door release input notification
Door release input notification
Door release input notification
Customise tones
Customise tones
Customise tones
Door status
Door status
Door status
Active plate
Acti v e pl a te
Acti v e pl a te
Page 48 - Manuel FA01812-FR - 06/2022 - © CAME S.p.A. - Le contenu de ce manuel est susceptible de subir des modifi cations à tout moment et sans aucun préavis. - Traduction des instructions originales
Créer la structure de l'installation selon les besoins.
À partir de la liste
Répéter la procédure per ajouter d'éventuels modules accessoires ou actions pour l'activation du relais.
Sélectionner les dispositifs insérés et compléter les propriétés.
Not active
Not active
Not active
Normally open (NO)
Normally open (NO)
Normally open (NO)
No event
No event
No event
Disabled (default)
Disabled (default)
Disabled (default)
Door status (default)
Door status (default)
Door status (default)
Active plate (default)
Acti v e pl a te (defaul t )
Acti v e pl a te (defaul t )
Le dispositif fait partie intégrante d'une installation basée sur le système Xip.
La structure de l'installation doit être élaborée avec le logiciel PCS/XIP.
entrer le poste externe en faisant glisser l'option dans la colonne de gauche
Les champs [Identifi ant] et [Adresse IP] sont obligatoires pour lancer la confi guration.