Don't touch the edge of the con-
tainer or reach into the container
under any circumstances while
lowering the follower piston plate.
Due to changing friction and pressure
conditions, sudden jumping move-
ments may occur as the follower
piston plate is lifted out of the drum.
Always maintain a sufficient safety
clearance above the cross-head.
• Ensuring absolute cleanliness is
essential when opening a new
container! Only clean material may
be used. Don't turn the lid over
above the open container!
• Only use containers filled by the
lubricant manufacturer! Containers
which are filled or decanted in-
house often contain air bubbles
which can cause malfunctions.
• Containers with dents or other
deformations must not be used.
This would result in damage to the
follower piston plate and leaks.
Information on the use of safety
Lower the pump into the container
• Open the bleed valve (Figure D/no. 10) on the
follower piston plate (upward movement).
• Turn the rotary switch (Figure I/no. 25) to Lower.
• Lower the follower piston plate using the two-
handed control (Figure I/no. 20) until the follower
piston plate is in the container. As soon as the
upper limit switch
(Figure F/no. 4) is activated by the control rod, the
follower plate automatically drops down to the level
of the media.
• Close the bleed valve (Figure D/no. 10) on the
follower piston plate (downward movement).
Don't touch the edge of the
container or reach into the container
under any circumstances while
owering the follower piston plate.
Excessively high follower piston
plate pressure (Figure I/no. 23/24)
can cause the follower plate to drop
down below the level of the media
and cause a loss of grease and
Closing the bleed valve is essential.
Air can be sucked in or grease pus-
hed out if the bleed valve is open.
Information on the use of safety
Lubricant pumping
• Turn the rotary switch (Figure I/no. 25) to Lower.
• Press the START (Figure I/no. 18) button.
Bleed the barrel feed pump at the
medium output until grease comes
out constantly
(Figure K/no. 30/31/32/34)
Move the follower plate out of the container.
• Press the STOP (Figure I/no. 26) button.
• Turn the rotary switch to Raise (Figure I/no. 25)
until the follower piston plate (Figure D/no. 11) has
automatically moved out of the container.
• CAUTION: If the follower piston plate cannot be
lifted all the way out of the container, please initiate
the following steps:
1. Open the bleed valve (Figure D/no. 10) on the
follower piston plate (upward movement).