mécanique qui endommagerait le câble. Dans ce cas, un kit
de réparation pourra être utilisé.
Veuillez suivre les normes électriques en vigueur.
Données techniques
Tension nominale :
Puissance nominale :
Disjoncteur :
Interrupteur différentiel :
General instructions
Longueur maxi de circuit :
nVent offers a 12 year Total Care Warranty for this product.
Température maxi d'exposition :
Please check the Total Care Warranty Certificate and
Dimensions :
Registration Form (included in the Commissioning form or
Température mini d'installation :
downloadable from nVent.com) for more details. Please read
Rayon de courbure maximal :
the complete installation instructions carefully. Pay attention
Agrément :
to local circumstances, standards and regulations. The commissioning
form has to be filled out by a qualified electrician. It should be kept by the
Fig A: Structure du sol sans isolation thermique
owner of the building in order to comply with electrical regulations and
1. Dalles/carrelage/revêtement plastique/parquet/stratifié
the Total Care Warranty conditions.
2. Colle
3. Mortier spécial pour chauffage par le sol (30 – 50 mm)
Installation instructions
4. Câble chauffant autorégulant T2Red
The sub-floor has to have a load-bearing construction in accordance
5. Grillage - optionnel
with current building regulations. nVent RAYCHEM T2Red may be cut
6. Film plastique - optionnel
to length, crossed or installed side by side if necessary. T2Red can be
7. Isolation (Polystyrène haute densité (30 – 50 mm) - optionnel
installed under most floor coverings like e.g. tile, wood, laminate, thin
8. Sol existant sans isolation thermique (carrelage, parquet, PVC...)
carpets suitable for floor heating, linoleum etc. The thermal resistance
of the floor construction above T2Red has to be as low as possible.
Fig B: Structure du sol avec isolant
T2Red is not recommended for installations between wooden joists or
1. Dalles/carrelage/revêtement plastique/parquet/stratifié
under wooden floors with a thickness greater than 16 mm. Always pay
2. Colle
attention to instructions of the adhesive for floor covering. Do not lay the
3. Chape mince ou chape d'égalisation, adaptée au chauffage par
heating cable in areas that might be damaged by drilling holes etc.
le sol (> 15 mm)
4. Câble chauffant autorégulant T2Red
5. Sol existant avec isolant (carrelage, parquet, PVC...)
In case a floor thermostat is used it is recommended to
L'installation de T2Red est expliquée
install the sensor cable in an empty conduit and seal this
completely. So it's possible to replace a defective sensor
easily. The sensor itself should be located close to the
Fig C: T2Red & T2Reflecta sous du carrelage
surface immediately under floor tiles or other floor covering
1. Carrelage
and it should be positioned centrally between two heating
2. T2Reflecta-adhesive-S
cables. Avoid mechanical damages to the heating cable! In
3. Enduit étanche pour zone humide
case of damages a splice kit can be used.
4. Adhésif T2Reflecta
Pay attention to local standards and rules.
5. T2Red
6. Plaque T2Reflecta
7. Adhésif T2Reflecta-S
8. Béton, plâtre, parquet, etc.
Fig D: Structure du sol : système T2Reflecta + bois ou stratifié
1. Parquet/Stratifié/Plancher de rénovation 6 – 8 mm + linoléum
2. Film isolant (isolation phonique)
230 Vac
5W/m – 15W/m (selon la structure du
10 A courbe C
30 mA
100 m
8,7 mm x 6,0 mm
35 mm
SEMKO SS 4242411, Marquage CE
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