the temperature of the device before us-
ing on any sensitive area. Do not use the
device if aerosol products are used or ox-
ygen is administered nearby. Do not use
this device under a cover or under a cush-
ion. This may cause the device to over-
heat, which may lead to fire, electric shock
or personal injury. Do not use the device
near any area of the body that is at all sen-
sitive, nor on infected areas or wounds. Do
not use nails Care on inflamed, sunburnt
or chapped skin or on any area affected
by a dermatological problem. Do not use
the device on rashes, warts, beauty spots
or varicose veins. Using nails Care should
be easy and painless. If you feel any irrita-
tion in the nails or skin or any discomfort in
the hands while using this product, stop us-
ing it temporarily. If you have a more violent
reaction, please consult your doctor. If you
are pregnant or breast-feeding, if you have
diabetes, if your skin has tattoos or moles,