6. WIFI – Remote control
See Wifi note on §1.
Power source has a wifi network so as you can control it remotely with a smartphone or a tablet. Screen on
power source is still active and has priority. The app allows an asynchronous functioning but you must not
use it, you have to stay on synchronous mode.
1) Download app « Proface Remote HMI » on your tablet.
2) Switch on power source and go to adjustment menu, press the right arrow and press the Wifi button
in order to see the name and password of the network.
3) On your tablet, go to adjustment menu, wifi menu and select the power source network and enter
the password.
4) When tablet connected to power source network, launch the app « Proface Remote HMI ». At the
start of the app, you have to enter a password with at least 8 character, one capital letter, one small
letter, one special character and one numeral. If you do not want to enter password at each app
start, go to menu at the top right angle, select « settings » and activate « Save startup password »
and « Skip password screen ».
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