4.8. Adjustment menu
USB Key :
SAS au capital de 135 720 € - RCS Romans B414 581 363 – Code APE 2841 Z – Siret 414 581 363 00028 – TVA FR13414 581 363
You can access here to all adjustment
Welding: to add or not alarm on gas flow
and define modification values of dynamic
USB key : allow to export or import
programs and configuration on USB key
Machine list: allow to have the complete
or a cusomised machine list.
HMI: select units, language, date and
Identification (administrator only): To add,
modify or erase a user.
Print : printing options
Please refer to the procedure of first start to
see details on these screens (§4.1).
By pressing the right arrow of precedent
screen you have access to:
Wifi: press this button to open a
window wih the name and the
password of the power source wifi
(see §6)
EN50504 : see below
Counter : see below
AXXAIR : only for AXXAIR pupose
USB key:
The saving on the USB key is not automatic.
You can save programs and configuration on
the USB key, by pressing 2s the left button
(copy from screen to USB). It is
recommended to do this periodically.
The right button is for importing the data from
USB to screen (warning: all datas on the
power source will be deleted and you will
have only the data of the USB key).
Bottom left button is for removing the USB
key safely.
330B Route de Portes Les Valence - 26800 Etoile sur Rhône
Tél: +33 475 575 070 - -
- 83 -