Integration services. The device features Local API and Cloud API integration, voice assistants,
drivers and mDNS multicast.
Digital inputs. The digital inputs enable the remote on/off control of the unit depending on the
accessory used. These can be configured as open window detection (DI1), occupancy detection
(DI2) and Eco mode (DI3).
Note: The activation and configuration of these inputs are available in Advanced settings in
Airzone Cloud.
Window contact (DI1). When the window sensor connected to the module indicates that a
window is open for more than 60 seconds, it stops demand to the indoor unit.
Note: To connect the window contact, use shielded cable.
Occupancy contact (DI2). When the occupancy sensor indicates that the zone is
unoccupied, a 5-minute internal timer starts to confirm that the zone is empty. Once this
time has elapsed, the zone will go into Sleep mode with a 90-minute off time.
Eco function (DI3). When this mode is activated, there is a change in the set-point
temperature of the 2.5 °C zone. This modification will be an increase if the zone is working
in Cooling mode, or a decrease if it is working in Heating mode. This modification will be
reflected on the thermostat.
Analog inputs. Analog inputs allow:
Temperature probe (AI1). This allows the temperature reading to be taken in a place other
than the location of the thermostat. The set-point temperature will be set by the thermostat
and/or Airzone Cloud and the room temperature reading will be set by the thermostat. In
Settings, you can select the working temperature as either the temperature measured by
the remote probe, by the Airzone thermostat or by third-party thermostats.
Cooling battery (AI2)*. This allows you to read the supply water temperature for the cooling
demand (4-pipe installation).
Heating battery (AI3)*. This allows you to read the water supply temperature for the heating
demand (4-pipe installation).
*Note: In 2-pipe installations, the probe can be placed interchangeably in either of the
battery probe inlets (AI2 or AI3).
By default, they will be disabled and configured as "normally open".