Thermal energy transfer
Thermal resistance test bench
Ref : 253 118
In a Cartesian system, Fourier's rapport thus applied is expressed by:
With ⃗ unit vector oriented according to the flow
: Temperature
Note: is always positive. The sign « - » translates the heat flows orientation towards low
In our case, the wall is homogeneous, then: =
Also, the wall is flat, giving: S=S' (see diagram).
Consequently, we can write:
Equation 1
In a steady state case, the temperatures Ɵ
and Ɵ is a constant physical quantity of the system.
By applying this so-called Fourier's law, we can determine the relation involved.
2.2.2 Determination of the Relation Involved
Application of the Fourier's law given by the above equation 1:
Φ =
Applying the Fourier's law:
Φ . ( ) = −. . ()
Φ .
Φ. | |
Φ. ( − ) = −. . ( − )
Φ. ( − ) = . . ( − ) where ( − ) = e (wall thickness)
Being Φ. e = . . ( − )
The flow is then equal to:
=> Φ = −
() = − . .
= − . . | |
wall thermal resistance
Φ =
and Ɵ
are considered equal to constants;
. . ( − )
Φ =