Equipment Damage Hazard.
Rotating shaft more than two revolutions
clockwise from original position can cause
permanent damage to the thermostat.
5. Replace the setpoint knob and position the pointer to
correspond to the temperature measured at the remote
bulb. The center division on the scale is the middle of
the setpoint range.
LP916B Calibration
1. For direct action, follow Steps 1 through 5 of LP916A
and C calibration.
2. For reverse action, except LP916B1058, apply 13 psi
(90 kPa) main line pressure. For the LP916B1058, use
9 psi (62 kPa) main line pressure.
3. For applications requiring different control points for
heating and cooling Zero Energy Band (ZEB), reset the
setpoint knob towards COOLING.
NOTE: The increments are one division for each 0.9 degree
F (0.5 degree K) of ZEB desired.
4. Adjust the switchover lever stop for 8 psi (55 kPa)
branchline pressure. The LP916B1058 is 6 psi (41 kPa).
See Fig. 22.
LP916B Switchover Point Adjustment
When making adjustments, always allow enough
time (up to three minutes) for the branch pressure to
95-5559EF J.H. Rev. 1-02
1. Back off the switchover spring adjusting nut until flush
with the stud. See Fig. 22.
2. Calibrate per Steps 1 through 5 of the LP916A and C
Calibration section. Increase the branchline pressure by
rotating the control shaft clockwise.
3. Lower the main line pressure to 16.5 psi (113 kPa).
Tighten the switchover spring adjusting nut until the
branchline pressure begins to increase. Observe the
caution in the LP916A and C Calibration section.
4. Except the LP916B1058, lower the main line pressure
to 13 psi (90 kPa). Adjust the switchover lever stop to
8 psi (55 kPa) branchline pressure. Increase the
branchline pressure by raising the lever stop. For the
LP916B1058, lower the mainline pressure to 9 psi
(62 kPa) and adjust the switchover lever stop to 6 psi
(41 kPa) branchline pressure.
Fig. 22. The LP916B automatic switchover mechanism.
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