Appliance smoking.
11.2 catalyst troubleshooting
Crumbling Catalyst
Thermal Cracking
Mechanical Cracking
* Images for the Catalyst Troubleshooting are courtesy of Firecat Catalyst Combustors ( Applied Ceramics Inc.)
W415-2827 / 02.14.20
Catalyst failed
Extreme thermal shock
Refueling with unseasoned
wet wood
Extremely high draft
Catalyst failed
Uneven temperatures within
Catalyst failed
Appliance over fi red
Excess build up of creosote
or fl y-ash
Combustor has not
established light-off
Combustor has not
established light-off
Burning Materials that create
a lot of fl y-
ash (i.e. cardboard)
Has the chimney had time to get hot?
Is there adequate supply of combustion air?
Is the outside air damper opened?
Is the smoke passsage blocked anywhere in the appliance or
Is the smoke fl ow impeded by too long of a horizontal pipe or too
many bends?
Is it a weak draft perhaps caused by a leaky chimney, a cold outside
chimney, too short a chimney, or a chimney too close to a tree or a
higher roof?
Bypass is closed while front door is open.
test solution
Replace catalyst
Prevent the appliance from cooling or heating rapidly
Burn seasoned dry wood
Ensure front doors are closed and sealing properly
Install manual damper
Replace catalyst
Uneven temperatures within catalyst
Replace catalyst
Ensure front doors are closed and sealing properly
Do not run appliance on high burn for prolonged periods of
Clean plugged cells
Burn only dry seasoned wood
Engage catalyst only when light-off temperatures are met
Clean plugged cells
Engage catalyst only when light-off temperatures are met
Clean plugged cells
Engage catalyst only when light-off temperatures are met
Clean masked cells
Burn seasoned dry wood only, do not burn garbage,
petroleum product or waste paper products