Press the Logger Button, and the "REC" symbol will flash once and
one Beep will sound, at the same time the measuring data along
the time information will be saved in memory. The lower Display will
show the Position (record) number, which is saved as well.
2) To Change the Position Number; press the Down Button and the
lower position number will flash on the display. Press the Up or
Down Buttons to set the Position Number (1 to 99) to help identify
the measurement location. The lower Display will show P x (x = 1 to
99). After the position number is selected, press the Enter Button to
3) Stop Datalogging; press the REC Button for 2 seconds, and the
"REC" symbol will disappear indicating the Datalogging function
has stopped.
Checking the Time
During normal functions (not Datalogging), press the Time Check Button
and the lower LCD display will show the Year, Month/Date, Hour/Minute.
Check Sampling Time Information
During normal functions (not Datalogging), press the Sampling Button and
the lower LCD display will show the Sampling Time Information.
SD Card Data Structure
1) The first time the SD card is used in the meter, the SD card will
generate a folder: LXA01.
2) The first time you use the Datalogger, in the folder LXA01, a new file
name LXA01001.XLS will be created. The Datalogger will use this
file until the Data has reached to 30,000 rows. The meter will then
will generate a new file with a subsequent number, for example
3) The folder LXA01 can hold 99.XLS files. When that number has
4 Blue
been reached, the meter will then will generate a new folder with
3 Yellow
a subsequent number, for example LXA02. Max number of LXA--
5 Red
3 Yellow
folders is 10.
4 Blue
1-877-849-2127 | |
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Red - 10/100/100/5
Yellow - 0/27/100/0
Blue - 100/80/30/5
Rich Black -
REED Instruments