T T e e s s t t i i n n g g t t h h e e c c o o t t f f a a s s t t e e n n e e r r
To test the cot fastener:
1. Guide the cot into the cot fastener.
2. Make sure that the head end retaining hooks secure the loading wheel cross tube on the cot.
3. Make sure that the foot end latch housing secures the retaining pin on the cot.
4. Make sure that the two-stage locking device functions and is free of debris.
5. Test the cot fastener using the appropriate standard as a minimum.
BS EN 1789 Medical Vehicles and Their Equipment - Road Ambulances
AS NZS 4535 Australian/New Zealand Standard - Ambulance Restraint Systems
6373-009-005 Rev AB.0