N.B. Before proceeding with installation the Hood must be raised to a height of at least
650 mm above the cooker hob by means of a support or with the assistance of another
person. Be careful not to exceed the maximum Hood extension indicated in the
dimensional drawing.
This operation is essential, as the Hood Cables are to be connected to the Plate mounted
on the ceiling, and this must be done without the weight of the Hood bearing down on
the structure.
The system used to fix the 4 Cables comprises 3 components:
• Threaded pawl (a) already mounted on the ceiling Plate.
• Cable locking screw (b), provided.
• Safety knob (c), provided.
Insert the Hood power cable into the hole
provided in the Cover.
• Pass the 4 cables (connected to the
Hood Canopy) through the respective
holes in the Plate Cover after
dismantling as above, making sure that
they face the same way as the plate
connected to the ceiling.
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