Fresh whole birds should be rinsed inside and
out with cold running water, dried and placed
on a plate. Cover loosely with plas
Poultry pieces should also be stored this way.
Whole poultry should never be stu ed un l just
before cooking, otherwise food poisoning may
Cool and refrigerate cooked poultry quickly.
Remove stu ng from poultry and store separately.
Fish and seafood
h and lle
the day of purcha
on a plate loo
waxed paper or foi
If toring overnight or longer, take
r care to
to remove lo
and then pa ed dry with paper towel
Place whole
Keep hell h chilled at all me U
Precooked foods and leftovers
The e hould be tored in uitable covered
Keep for only 1 – 2 day
Reheat le over only once and un l teaming ho
ould be
Un l required, refrigerate
covered with pla c wrap,
very fre h
ould be
ed in cold water
cale and dirt
h or lle in a ealed pla
that the food will not dry o
wrap or foil.
ed on
within 1 – 2 day