To edit the drum Instruments (trigger voices) in a Kit:
Press KIT SELECT to go to the Main Screen.
Press DRUM/LAYER. The top of the screen will show the number and name of the Kit whose Instruments
(drum voices) you will be editing.
Press INST (F1). The new screen will show:
a. the trigger Voice you are editing (the Kit number and name of the Voice will be shown)
b. the Layer (each trigger sound consists of two layers, each with its own Instrument)
c. the Category (the type or "class" of drum sound currently
assigned to that Layer)
d. the Instrument (the drum voice for that Layer)
Select the Voice whose Instrument you want to change by pressing
PAD ID then striking the desired trigger.
highlight the Voice (next to the Kit number) using the CURSOR
UP/DOWN buttons to highlight it and use the DEC- / INC+ buttons or
VALUE/TEMPO DIAL to select a trigger to change it.
Select which Layer of that Voice you will edit by pressing
DRUM/LAYER. It will toggle between Layer A and B.
Select the Category you want to assign to that Voice by pressing CURSOR UP/DOWN to highlight the
Category field, then use the DEC- / INC+ buttons or VALUE/TEMPO DIAL to change it.
Select the Instrument for that Layer by pressing CURSOR UP/DOWN to highlight the Instrument field, then use
the DEC- / INC+ buttons or VALUE/TEMPO DIAL to change it. To hear the currently selected sound, strike the
corresponding trigger or press PREVIEW on the module.
To edit other trigger settings, use the other F-BUTTONS (F2, F3, etc.) to access additional tabs and adjust their
parameters with the DEC- / INC+ buttons or VALUE/TEMPO DIAL. For more information, please see the
Reference Manual.
A Sequence is a recorded pattern stored in the RBM-20 module that includes drums and
Accompaniment. The drum part of the Sequence includes the Kit sounds (Instruments)
as well the recorded pattern itself. The Accompaniment is the music that plays along with
the drum part. Sequences can be recorded, edited, looped, and stored. You can also
mute the drum part and/or Accompaniment while playing a Sequence.
Operator's Manual for more information on Sequences and Accompaniment.
To play a Sequence:
Press SEQ/SONG to enter the main screen of the Sequencer.
Use the CURSOR UP/DOWN buttons to highlight the "Seq" field at the top of the
Use the DEC- / INC+ buttons or VALUE/TEMPO DIAL to select a
You can press PLAY to play the Sequence, or you can use the
CURSOR UP/DOWN buttons to select settings to edit for that
Sequence. Use the DEC- / INC+ buttons or the VALUE/TEMPO
to change the settings.
Press PLAY to play the Sequence. A "PLAY BUTTON" will
appear on the upper right-hand corner of the LCD. To mute the
drums or Accompaniment in the Sequence, press the MUTE
DRUMS or MUTE ACCOMP button respectively.
right-hand corner of the LCD indicates whether the drum ("D")
and Accompaniment ("A") are muted. When unmuted, the letter
is highlighted. (This is a useful tool when you want to play your own drum patterns to the Accompaniment or
vice versa.)
Alternatively, you can
To play the Demo Sequence:
The upper
hold down SEQ/SONG and press PLAY.
Note: For Layer A of the hi-hat and ride
cymbal triggers, you can not select a
different Category. Also, the available
Instruments for that Category are a pre-
defined set of sounds designed to work
together (since the hi-hat and ride can
trigger a variety of different sounds).
However, you can assign Layer B to a
Category or Instrument you like for
those triggers.
See the