Fireplace controller is a device, which task is maintenance of constant fireplace thrust in proces of
wood combustion. It is in purpose to control temperature of furnace and as a result to lengthen
furnace complementation in wood cycle. Controled quantity is the temperature of air heated from
fireplace's input or the temperature of water, when a fireplace's input is used with water jacket.
Controler together with inlet air throttle precisely regulates air supply to combustion chamber,
maintaining given quantity of air or water temperature (depending on option).
Controller service
Control panel is used for controller service; it consists of display with signalization diodes and four
buttons used for control of controller's work. Key operating buttons depends on the controller. For
buttom to work in MSK version you need to press it, MSK glass version requires the touch.
During normal work the display shows current temperature of air or water (depending on option),
and in settings mode it shows name of parameter or its value. Power mode is signalized by pulsating
spot. Three signalization diodes inform about state of outputs steering with peripheral devices:
Air throttle
CO curculation pump
Ventilator or other device
To facilitate making settings, signalization diodes pulsate during changes of parameters related with
given output.
Four buttons are used for control of controller's work:
This button during normal work is used for entry to or exit from power mode. In settings
mode for immediate exit from settings without storing parameters.
This button during normal work is used for entry to settings mode. In settings mode for
entry to change given parameter. During setting parameter to confirm change and exit.
This button during normal work is used for manual closing of throttle by one step (display
for a second shows current localization of throttle). In settings mode for reversing param-
eters down, and during setting parameters to decrease them.
This button during normal work is used for manual opening of throttle by one step
(display for a second shows current localization of throttle). In settings mode for reversing
parameters up, and during setting parameters to increase them.