Soft w are funct ionalit y and device dat a
This ResM ed device is a smart device and includes softw are functionalities w hich allow it to be connected
to the cloud so that users and their care providers can access data about therapy remotely, receive regular
upgrades to their device and much more. Check out to learn about ResM ed' s
patient coaching application, myAir™.
Softw are License
License Grant: Subject to the terms and conditions below , ResMed grants you, the ow ner and/or user of
this device, a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, personal, limited license to use the ResMed
Softw are solely in connection w ith the user of this device. All other rights are reserved by ResM ed. You
w ill be deemed to have transferred and assigned this license to any person that acquires the ow ner' s or
the user' s rights in this device.
License Restrictions
Softw are included on or w ith this device is ow ned by or licensed to ResM ed (the
"ResM ed Softw are"). Neither the ResM ed Softw are nor any intellectual property rights in the ResMed
softw are are sold or assigned by ResM ed. No person or entity is licensed or authorised to (a) reproduce,
distribute, create derivative w orks, modify, display, perform, decompile or attempt to discover the source
code for the ResM ed Softw are, (b) remove or attempt to remove the ResM ed Softw are from the ResM ed
product, or (c) reverse engineer or disassemble the ResM ed product or the ResM ed softw are. For
avoidance of doubt, the foregoing restrictions are not intended to limit any licensee' s rights to softw are
code incorporated into or distributed w ith the ResM ed Softw are and licensed under the terms of any open
source, free or community softw are license (collectively, "Open Source Softw are")
Over-the-Air Dow nload of Softw are Updates: If the device is connected to the cloud, then the ResMed
Softw are on the device w ill automatically and periodically dow nload updates and upgrades to the ResM ed
Softw are on the device. Such dow nloads may be done by various means including, but not limited to,
using Bluetooth
w ireless technology, WiFi and/or cellular netw orks and combinations of various w ireless
technologies and services. Such updates to the ResM ed Softw are might include, w ithout limitation, bug
fixes, error corrections, security patches, and new versions and releases of the ResM ed Softw are that may
include changes to existing features or functions and/or the addition of new features and functions.