Welcom e
The AirSense 11 AutoSet™ (including AutoSet for Her) device is ResM ed' s premium auto-adjusting
pressure device. The AirSense 11 Elite and the AirSense 11 CPAP are ResM ed' s Continuous Positive
Airw ay Pressure (CPAP) devices.
Read this entire guide before using the device.
In the US, Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Indicat ions for use
AirSense 11 AutoSet (including AutoSet for Her)
The AirSense 11 self-adjusting system is indicated for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in
patients w eighing more than 66 lb (30 kg), including female patients w ith mild to moderate OSA in AutoSet
for Her mode. The AirSense 11 self-adjusting system is intended for hom e and hospital use.
AirSense 11 CPAP (including Elite)
The AirSense 11 CPAP system is indicated for the treatm ent of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients
w eighing more than 66 lb (30 kg). The AirSense 11 CPAP system is intended for hom e and hospital use.
Cont raindicat ions
Positive airw ay pressure therapy may be contraindicated in some patients w ith the follow ing pre-existing
severe bullous lung disease
pneum othorax or pneumomediastinum
pathologically low blood pressure, particularly if associated w ith intravascular volume depletion