(As required by the California State Fire Marshall)
Early warning fire detection is best achieved by the
installation of fire detection equipment in all
rooms and areas of the household as follows: (1)
A smoke and heat detector installed in each
separate sleeping area (in the vicinity, but outside
of the bedrooms), and (2) Heat or smoke and
heat detectors in the living rooms, dining rooms,
bedrooms, kitchens, hallways, attics, furnace
rooms, closets, utility and, storage rooms,
basements and attached garages."
For your information, NFPA Standard 74, Section 2-4
reads as follows:
"2-4.1.1 Smoke and heat detectors shall be installed
outside of each separate sleeping area in the
immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on each
additional story of the family living unit including
basements and excluding crawl spaces and
unfinished attics."
The provisions of 2-4.1.1 represent the minimum
number of detectors required by this standard. It
is recommended that the householder consider
the use of additional smoke and heat detectors
for increased protection for those areas separated
by a door from the areas protected by the
required smoke and heat detectors under 2-4.1.1
above. The recommended additional areas are
living room, dining room, bedroom(s), kitchen,
attic (finished or unfinished), furnace rooms, utility
room, basement, integral or attached garage, and
hallways not included in 2-4.1.1 above. However,
the use of additional detectors remains the option
of the householder." We recommend complete
coverage and use of additional smoke and heat
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1 & 2-Way Smoke & Heat Detector
Figure 4: Recommended best and
acceptable locations to mount
smoke and heat detectors
Figure 5: Recommended location to mount
smoke and heat detectors in rooms with
sloped, gabled, or peaked ceiling