Install a smoke and heat detector inside
every room where one sleeps with the door
partly or completely closed, since smoke
could be blocked by the closed door and a
hallway alarm may not wake up the sleeper
if the door is closed.
Install basement detectors at the bottom of
the basement stairwell.
Install second-floor detectors at the top of
the first-to-second floor stairwell.
Be sure no door or other obstruction blocks
the path of smoke to the detector.
Install additional detectors in your living
room, dining room, family room, attic, utility
and storage rooms.
Install smoke and heat detectors as close
to the center of the ceiling as possible. If
this is not practical, put the detector on the
ceiling, no closer than 4 inches (10 cm)
from any wall or corner, as shown in
Figure 4.
If ceiling mounting is not possible and wall
mounting is permitted by your local and
state codes, put wall-mounted detectors
between 4 and 6 inches
(10 ~ 15 cm) from the ceiling, also see
Figure 4.
If some of your rooms have sloped,
peaked, or gabled ceilings, try to mount
detectors 3 feet (0.9 meter) measured
horizontally from the highest point of the
ceiling as shown in Figure 5.
All manuals and user guides at
1 & 2-Way Smoke & Heat Detector
Figure 2: Locations for placing smoke and
heat detectors for single-floor residence
with more than one sleeping area
Figure 3: Location for placing smoke and
heat detectors for a multi-floor residence