301-5 Mini Pumps - For use with 105 Resin and 205 or 206 Hardener
301-3 Mini Pumps - For use with 105 Resin and 207 or 209 Hardener
This instruction leaflet provides details on the correct use of WEST SYSTEM Mini Pumps.
Please ensure you have the correct pump set for the resin/hardener combination – 301-
5-5 Mini Pumps for 105 resin with 205 or 206 hardener, 301-3 Mini Pumps for 105 resin
with 207 or 209 hardener.
The Mini Pump Set contains two plastic pumps. The larger pump is for the 105 resin
container, the smaller pump is for 205 or 206 hardener container. If purchasing a 301-3
Pump Set, the resin pump has a red sticker indicating its use when working with the 207
or 209 hardeners.
(a) Using WEST SYSTEM Mini Pumps
Ensure the extension tube is attached to the resin pump. Check the top cap of the pump
to ensure the locking nut is screwed tightly. Mount the pumps on the correct containers
and screw down. The pumps must be primed by slowly depressing the pumps several
times. The pump is only fully primed when a continuous stream is discharged and not
interrupted by intermittent spurts of trapped air. If separate containers are used to prime
the pumps, the resin and hardener dispensed may be poured back into the original
containers at a later date. If pumps are not used for a period of time it is necessary to
The correct mixing ratio for WEST SYSTEM epoxy is:
For 105 resin with either 205 or 206 hardener:
5 parts by weight of resin to 1 part by weight of either 205 or 206 hardener
For 105 resin with either 207 or 209 hardener:
3.5 parts by weight of resin to 1 part by weight of either 207 or 209 hardener
Care must be taken when using the pumps; slow, gentle depressions of the pumps must
be used. One full depression of both the resin and hardener pump will give the correct
ratio because the pumps are calibrated to deliver the correct quantities.
We do not recommend dispensing more than 6 to 8 depressions of both pumps at one
Note: To comply with Child Resistant Packaging Regulations, the hardener pump must
be removed after use from the hardener container and the Child Resistant Closure
(b) Cleaning
The pumps can remain screwed onto the containers for several weeks but if the pumps
are not to be used for a period of, say, three months, it is worthwhile to remove the pumps
from the containers, pump dry and allow them to drain thoroughly. Replace the original
caps on the resin and hardener containers.
Clean the pumps with warm soapy water and WEST SYSTEM 855 Cleaning Solution.
Rinse the pumps with clean warm water and allow the pumps to dry. Replace the clean,
dry pumps into the resin and hardener containers when next required.
NOTE: The use of solvents will attack the plastic.
Minipompe 301-5 - Per impiego con resina 105 e indurente 205 o 206
Minipompe 301-3 - Per impiego con resina 105 e indurente 207 o 209
Il presente foglietto d'istruzioni fornisce informazioni dettagliate sul corretto uso delle
minipompe WEST SYSTEM. Accertarsi di avere a disposizione il set di pompe appropriato
per la combinazione resina/indurente utilizzata: minipompe 301-5 per resina 105 con
indurente 205 o 206, minipompe 301-3 per resina 105 con indurente 207 o 209.
Il Mini set pump contiene due pompe di plastica. La pompa più grande è per il contenitore
della Resina 105, la più piccola è per il contenitore degli indurenti 205 o 206. Se si compra
un 301-3 pump set, la pompa della resina ha un'etichetta rossa dove viene indicato
l'utilizzo con indurenti 207 o 209
(a) Utilizzo delle minipompe WEST SYSTEM
Accertarsi che la prolunga del tubo sia collegata alla pompa per resina. Controllare il
coperchio superiore della pompa per accertarsi che il dado di bloccaggio sia avvitato
saldamente. Montare le pompe sui recipienti corretti e avvitare. Le pompe devono
essere adescate esercitando più volte leggere pressioni. La pompa sarà adescata
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