TO ČSN 061008ČL. 12-2:
• only adults can operate the device
• device must be safely used in common surroundings according to ČSN 332000-3. You must switch the gas
device off under the circumstances leading: to the danger of the temporary rise of the combustion gas or steam
or during works when there is a big possibilityof rise ot the temporary fire danger or explosion (for example: to
stick linoleum, PVC etc.).
• before you start to instal the device you must get the licence for connection to the gas feeder from the
• device must be placed so as to stand or hang on the noncombustible surface which is on each side 10 cm larger
than the device. No subjects from combustible materials can be placed directly on the device or in distance which
is shorter than safety distance (the shortestdistance is 50 cm in the direction of the heat emission and 10 cm
in other directions).- safety distances from various materials of different degree of combustion and information
about the degree of comb. of common building materials - see chart:
Combustion degree of building materials classified according to the combustion degree of materials and products
(ČSN 730823)
A noncombustible
B uneasily combustible
C1 hardly combustible
C2 middle combustible
C3 easily combustible
Devices must be instalated in a safe way and must be equipped by the regulation feet for compensation of
the high and imbalances. When instaling you must respect corresponding project, safety and hygienic orders
according to:
• ČSN 061008 fire protection of local devices and sources of heat
• ČSN 332000-3 surroundings for electric devices
• ČSN EN 1775 Gas supplying - Gas fittings in the buildings - the highest operational pressure < 5 bar - operation
• § 10 law nr. 185/2001 Sb. about waste
Pipe for gas connection
Gas must be connected by the pipe from zinc steel, copper or flexible steel hose and that must be in confirmity
with valid standards. Every device must have closable feeding tap. It enables you to stop the gas feeder easily.
Having instaled the device you must check all gas leaks.Never check the leaks by open fire. You must use
materials that do not cause corrosion. Use for example soap water. The devices were properly checked at
the producer. The data about gas type, pressure and the type ot the device are indicated on the label with
Check the gas type the device is adjusted for
Check whether the device is set for the gas type you use. The gas type is indicated on the label of each device.
granit, sandstone, concretes,bricks, ceramic wallfacing tiles,
akumine, heraklite, lihnos, itavere
leafy wood, plywood, sirkoklit, rare paper formica
fibreboards, solodure, cork boards, rubber,floor-coverings
wood-fibreboards, polystyrene,polyurethane,PVC