The charger has standard settings that are compatible with the
most usual batteries.
To change the settings for different batteries, proceed as follows.
6.1 Lithium batteries (LiPo, LiFe and Li-Ion) -
always use balancer
Press the ESC/MODE button to access the PROGRAMM/SELECT
menu and select the battery type ( Li..).
Press the START/ ENTER button to access the battery settings.
Press the DEC/INC buttons to select function mode:
Li Po CHARGE: Normal charging
Li Po BAL-CHG: Normal charging with balancer
Li Po Storage: Storage or discharge (to 50-% capacity)
Li Po DCHG: Discharge of the battery
For greater safety, we recommend that the balancer is always used
with Li.. batteries.
Changing the battery settings
Press the START button, Charging current or Battery voltage will
flash. Press the DEC/INC buttons to change the values - do not
forget to press ENTER to save changes. Press the DEC/INC button
again to enter discharge mode. Press the START button, Discharge
current will flash.
Make further settings as described above.
Discharge end voltage: (recommended LI... 3.0 V per cell)
Starting charge/discharge
Hold the START button pressed for 3 sec. to start charge/discharge.
Display indication: R/S
R: shows the number of cells detected by the charger.
S: shows the number of cells selected by the user.
R/S values are different - charging must be aborted by pressing the
ESC/MODE button.
R/S values are equal – press the START/ENTER button to start
Charging will be shown in the display.
Changing the charging current during charge/discharge:
Press the START/ENTER button – change the charging current with
the DEC/INC buttons (press Enter to save new value).
Changing display indications: ( Information under "Additional
display indications")
Press the DEC/INC buttons to select the indications (battery values).
Completion of charge/discharge is indicated by the message "FULL"
in the display or by an acoustic signal.
Charging can be stopped at any time by pressing the MODE/ESC
6.2 NiCd / NiMH batteries
Press the ESC/MODE button to access the PROGRAMM/SELECT
menu and select the battery type (NIMH/NICD).
Press the START/ ENTER button to access the battery settings.
Press the DEC/INC buttons to select function mode:
NiMH CHARGE: Manual (MAN) = normal charging (battery is char-
ged with the set charging current).
NiMH CHARGE: Automatic (AUT) = normal charging (set the
maximum charging current to protect the battery from excessive
current and damage).
NiMH DISCHARGE: Discharge of the battery
NiMH CYCLE: a number of successive charge and discharge pro-
cesses can be carried out
Changing the battery settings
Press the START button, Charge current will flash. Press the DEC/
INC buttons to change the values - do not forget to press ENTER to
save changes.
Press the DEC/INC button again to enter discharge mode. Press the
START button, Discharge current will flash.
Make further settings as described above.
Discharge end voltage: (recommended for NIMH /NICD batteries,
0.9 V per cell)
CHG = normal charge mode
FAS = fast charge mode
DSC = discharge mode
BAL = balance charge
STO = storage charge mode
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