hand and may place it anywhere behind the head string and shoot at any ball not behind the
head string.
o After the break, regardless if Balls were pocketed, the table is Open.
o Player has choice of Stripes/Solids which are determined by the next legal Ball pocketed.
PLEASE NOTE – Players must call each Shot in advance by indicating ball, and pocket!
Otherwise failure to call means loss of turn!
o To execute a Legal Shot, the first Ball hit must be one of the Balls in the Players group (either
stripes or solids). The object Ball must be pocketed or the Cue Ball (White Ball) or any object
Ball must come into contact with the table's rail.
o PLEASE NOTE – It is permissible for the shooter to bank the cue ball off a rail before contacting
his object ball; however, after contact with his object ball, an object ball must be pocketed, OR
the cue ball.
o Fouls when pocketing the 8 Ball.
o Pockets the 8 Ball on the same play as the last group of Balls.
o Pockets the 8 Ball in a pocket other than the one at shot.
o Pockets the 8 Ball when not the legal object Ball.
o Scratches when the 8 Ball is the legal object Ball.
o Hits the 8 Ball off the table.
o Opponent Player gets "cue ball in hand". The Player can place the Cue Ball (White Ball)
anywhere on the table (to be behind the head string on opening break only).
o A Ball is spotted on the long string as close to the foot spot as possible.
E-Mail service@carromco.com
Service Address:
Mühlenweg 144, D-22844 Norderstedt/ Germany
Tel.: 49 (0) 1805 25 63 63
Please keep for future reference
Website – www.carromco.com