Stage 7, Fittings Parts 7.1 to 7.32
Glue the anchor 7.1 together and connect it to the
chain 7.2.
Fig. anchor, bitts, main bitt
Make the bitts 2.10 from the pine strips. Also make
the main bitt 2.12. Prime the bitts with pore filler
and paint them afterwards. They can then be at-
tached according to plan and drawing E.
From parts 3.23 to 3.25 glue together the lamp
boards for the navigation lights. Then prime with
pore filler and varnish. Pay attention to the right
and left side of the lamp shelves. In the past, the
right side was painted green and the left side red.
According to today's regulations both lamp shelves
have to be painted black
Fig. lamp boards old and new
Decide for yourself whether you want to imple-
ment the old or the new version.
If you do not want to equip the lamps with bulbs,
paint the lamp glasses from the inside with the
appropriate colours. For the two side lamps each
red and green. One of the two all-round lamps at
the rear mast top is also green. The remaining
lamps remain clear.
Now place the side lights 7.4 after you have
painted the lamp housings and attach the lamp
boards to the wheelhouse roof.
Attach the two all-round lamps 7.7 and 7.8 to the
mast top. First paint the lamp boards 7.3 black and
glue them to the mast.
Stand Mai 2019
Main bitt
Seite 20
Fig. all-round lights
Install the rear light 7.5 below the boom.
Fig. rear light
Attach the top light 7.6 to the front mast.
Fig. top light
Make a small wedge from a 3 mm thick waste
piece of plywood to support the radar unit. Prime
it with pore filler and then paint. Mount the radar
unit 7.9 with the base 7.10 on the roof.
Fig. radar unit
Krick Modelltechnik Knittlingen