Getting started with ship model building is much
easier if you turn to an experienced model builder.
He can help you with questions and problems and
gives you the guarantee that your own "ANTJE" will
be a good working and beautiful model. If you do
not have an experienced model builder in your
circle of acquaintances and/or friends, please con-
tact a model building club near you or ask the
model building dealer where you bought this kit
for their address. In every ship model building club
you will find active model builders who will cer-
tainly be happy to help you.
We wish you much pleasure with the following
construction of your model.
Important for the bonding of laser parts is the
grinding of the burn-off at the laser edges. These
burnt edges do not bond well with adhesives of
any kind.
Technical data
Total length
Total height
Necessary accessories
The fitting parts which are in the fitting set, order
no. ro1111, are marked in the parts list with the
note "BS".
For radio interference suppression, the intended
Max Power 500 motor (order no. 42246) should
always be suppressed with the interference sup-
pression capacitor set (order no. 42128).
Stand Mai 2019
640 mm
210 mm
550 mm
1 : 20
ca. 3000 g
Seite 2
Suitable remote control system
In principle, a 2-channel system such as the
roF2201 is sufficient to control the rudder and the
drive motor. If further controllable functions such
as radar and nautical lighting are to be installed, a
remote control with at least 3 channels such as the
roF4024 or roF4009 is required.
General instructions for the construction process
The numbering corresponds essentially to the
sequence of the construction process, with the
number before the point indicating the construc-
tion stage and the number after the point indicat-
ing the corresponding component. Before the start
of construction, please obtain an overview of the
respective construction steps in conjunction with
the building instructions and the construction plan,
the instruction steps and the parts list.
Prime all wooden parts 1 to 2 times with pore filler
before installation. Sand with fine sandpaper after
each coat. Remove adhesive surfaces from laser
cutting residues with sandpaper before gluing.
Many parts of the Antje superstructure are stained
dark. This gives the look of the model its special
charm. Please make sure that areas, where there
was already glue or varnish, cannot be stained
anymore. Therefore, always stain the parts first,
then glue and varnish them.
Always test the stain on pieces of residual wood
from the laser sheet before applying the stain to
the part. Of course, this is also recommended for
Krick Modelltechnik Knittlingen