Control channel 3 – Shutter, Strobe
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
3 00 03
0% 1%
7 04 07
2% 3%
8 31 08 1F
3% 12%
32 63 20 3F
13% 25%
64 95 40 5F
25% 37%
96 127 60 7F
38% 50%
128 159 80 9F
50% 62%
160 191 A0 BF 63% 75%
192 223 C0 DF 75% 87%
224 255 E0 FF
88% 100%
Control channel 4 – Auto program
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 23
00 17
0% 9%
24 47
18 2F
9% 18%
48 71
30 47
19% 28%
72 95
48 5F
28% 37%
96 119
60 77
38% 47%
120 143
78 8F
47% 56%
144 167
90 A7
56% 65%
168 191
A8 BF 66% 75%
192 215 C0 D7 75% 84%
216 239 D8 EF 85% 94%
240 255
94% 100%
The operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are inspected by an
expert after every four years in the course of an acceptance test.
The operator has to make sure that safety-relating and machine-technical installations are inspected by a
skilled person once a year.
The following points have to be considered during the inspection:
1) All screws used for installing the devices or parts of the device have to be tighly connected and must not
be corroded.
2) There must not be any deformations on housings, fixations and installation spots (ceiling, suspension,
3) Mechanically moved parts like axles, eyes and others must not show any traces of wearing (e.g. material
abrading or damages) and must not rotate with unbalances.
4) The electric power supply cables must not show any damages, material fatigue (e.g. porous cables) or
sediments. Further instructions depending on the installation spot and usage have to be adhered by a
skilled installer and any safety problems have to be removed.
We recommend a frequent cleaning of the device. Please use a moist, lint-free cloth. Never use alcohol or
S Shutter closed
S Shutter closed & Reset
S Shutter closed
S Dimmer (closed to open)
F Strobe effect with increasing speed
S No function (Shutter open)
S Pulse-effect in sequences
S No function (Shutter open)
F Random strobe effect with increasing speed
S No function (Shutter open)
S Nomal
S Auto Program 1
S Auto Program 2
S Auto Program 3
S Auto Program 4
S Auto Program 5
S Auto Program 6
S Auto Program 7
S Auto Program 8
S Auto Program 9
S Auto Program 10
Disconnect from mains before starting maintenance operation!