If the page of text you have'selected
contains sub pages, these sub pages
will automatically be displayed in
order with a delay to allow you to
read the page.
'lo stop the move to the next sub
page press theSTOPbutton.
will appear in the top left hand
To continue moving through the sub
pages press the STOP button again.
lbselect a sub page
If the page'of text you are viewing
contains sub pages, the number of
the sub page you are on and the total
number of sub pages is displayed on
;) the right of the screen i.e. 1/7.
To select a sub page press the SUB
|, button. The number in the top left
» hand corner will be replaced by S
followed by 4 asterisks.
/ Enter the number of the sub page,
| using the Numeric buttons in the
format S0001 for sub page 1.
The teletext will search for the.sub
page. This may take some time. To
4 return to the TV whilst the teletext
When the page number is found it
= will appear in the top left hand
4 corner of the screen.
Press the UPDATE button again to
| view the text page.
To reveal information
Press the REV button to reveal
concealed information (quiz
answers etc.).
Press the REV button again to
conceal the information again.
> Press the SUB button, whilst
watching a TV program , to
| display the time.
Fast text
At the bottom of the teletext screen i
of subject headings in red, green ye
The remote control has a:row of ¢
buttons corresponding to the row
coloured subjects on the screen,
Pressing one of the coloured buttons will
take you directly to the page
corresponding to the subject heading.