SCPI-Based Errors
"Command error"
"Invalid character"
"Syntax error"
"Invalid separator"
"Data type error"
"GET not allowed"
"Parameter not
"Missing parameter"
FTB-1v2 and FTB-1v2 Pro
Probable Cause
This is the generic syntax error for devices that
cannot detect more specific errors.
This code indicates only that a Command Error as
defined in IEEE 488.2, has occurred.
A syntactic element contains a character which is
invalid for that type; for example, a header
containing an ampersand, SETUP&.
This error might be used in place of errors –114,
–121, –141, and perhaps some others.
An unrecognized command or data type was
encountered; for example, a string was received
when the device does not accept strings.
The parser was expecting a separator and
encountered an illegal character; for example, the
semicolon was omitted after a program message
unit, *EMC 1:CH1:VOLTS 5.
The parser recognized a data element different
than one allowed; for example, numeric or string
data was expected but block data was
A Group Execute Trigger was received within a
program message (see IEEE 488.2, 7.7).
More parameters were received than expected for
the header; for example, the *EMC common
command only accepts one parameter, so
receiving *EMC 0,1 is not allowed.
Fewer parameters were received than required for
the header; for example, the *EMC common
command requires one parameter, so receiving
*EMC is not allowed.