The amperometric Chlorine probe is perfectly suited for Free Chlorine
measurement in all the normal daily applications.
• Measurement of free chlorine in swimming pools, drinking, service and
process water.
Features and Benefits
• Continuous and reliable measurement of free chlorine
• Grey PVC, plexiglass and silicon body
• Immediate installation and easy maintenance
Operating criterion
The Free Chlorine gas diffuses through the sensor membrane between
the cathode and the electrolyte solution. At the applied potential value, it
is electrochemically reduced at the gold cathode.
At the same time, the silver anode is oxidized to form silver chloride. The
release of electrons at the cathode and the anode corresponding
acceptance create a flow of current which, in constant conditions of pH
and flow, is proportional to the concentration of free Chlorine present in
the water. The resulting mA output is then conditioned to a 4-20mA
current from the on-board electronic circuitry of the sensor. The free
Chlorine measurement is temperature compensated by internal NTC
Rev. 1.0