Disposing of the packaging
The packing materials may be
dangerous for children. Keep the
packing materials out of the reach
of children or dispose of them by
classifying them in accordance with
the waste instructions stated by your
local authorities. Do not throw away
with regular house waste, throw away
on packaging pick up spots designated
by the local authorities.
The packing of your freezer is
produced from recyclable materials.
Disposing of your old
Dispose of your old freezer without
giving any harm to the environment.
• You may consult your authorized
dealer or waste collection center of
your municipality about the disposal
of your freezer.
Before disposing of your freezer,
cut out the electric plug and, if there
are any locks on the door, make them
inoperable in order to protect children
against any danger.
Placing and Installation
If the entrance door of the room
where the freezer will be installed
is not wide enough for the freezer
to pass through, then call the
authorized service to have them
remove the doors of your freezer
and pass it sideways through the
1. Install your freezer to a place
that allows ease of use.
2. Keep your freezer away from
heat sources, humid places and direct
3. There must be appropriate
air ventilation around your freezer
in order to achieve an efficient
operation. If the freezer is to be
placed in a recess in the wall, there
must be at least 5 cm distance with
the ceiling and at least 5 cm with the
wall. Do not place your product on the
materials such as rug or carpet.
4. Place your freezer on an even
floor surface to prevent jolts.