The battery monitor selects the house battery with the highest state of charge to be used. If the current of a house
battery is less than 25 A, the battery monitor selects the most charged secondary battery until its voltage is 0.3 V low-
er than the voltage of the other secondary battery.
If the voltage of one of the house batteries is lower than 11.2 V, the battery monitor switches the house batteries in
parallel and disconnects the other connected devices when the voltage drops below 10.5 V.
If the discharge current of the house batteries is greater than 25 A and the state of charge of the house batteries is the
same, the battery monitor switches the house batteries in parallel until the current is less than 20 A.
The battery manager automatically charges the starting battery when the following conditions are present:
• The battery voltage of the starting battery is below 12.5 V.
• The house batteries are completely charged.
• A charging source is connected to the battery monitor.
The charging process is stopped when the starting battery is fully charged, the charging source is switched off or the
vehicle is started.
Manual mode
If the manual mode is activated, it can be selected which house battery shall be used. The battery monitor continu-
ously monitors the operating temperature and the voltage during discharge of the connected batteries. The selec-
tion of the battery will be limited by the battery monitor if the operating temperature is too high or the minimum volt-
age of 10.5 V was undercut.