distinguished qualities featuring new advanced driver technologies and materials amalgamated to form a
real world, yet truly esoteric speaker range. The Gold Series focuses on sonic clairty, detail and conveying
a truly honest expression of a recorded piece. Wether it be the epic cinematic soundscapes presented in a
movie, or the souring vocal melodies carried out by your favourite musical artist, the Gold Series will place
you in the moment as if you were there.
This astounding attention to detail is not only evident the sound of the new Gold but in every component part,
Main Features
C-CAM® Ribbon transducer design – providing extension to a class leading 60kHz.
better dynamics.
New 4" dedicated mid-range driver with C-CAM® cone and under-hung voice coil for very low distortion.
Die-cast alloy terminal panel arrangement with high quality bi-wire terminals and high end spade type,
or ebony).
Rigid 20mm MDF construction throughout, employing both radial and cross-bracing techniques for high
rigidity and ensuring low cabinet colouration.
Full 3-way design (Gold 200, 300 & Gold C350).
200 and 300 only).
Gold Series