Section B – Using the Jetflush Rapid pump for power flushing
11. Work through the rest of the
radiators in turn, so that you have
flushed every radiator individually,
including upstairs radiators.
12. When you have flushed the
last radiator, and it has an even
temperature across the surface,
switch the pump into dumping
mode, as previously.
13. With only this radiator open, and
the pump set to dump, run until
the water leaving the dump hose
is completely clear. Now operate
the flow reverser and change the
valves to dump in the opposite
direction until clear. When dump
water is clear, close radiator valve.
14. Go back to the previous radiator
that you had flushed, ensure both
valves are open, and repeat the
dumping procedure on this one
radiator, alternating the direction
of flow in each direction as you
dump. Close radiator valve.
15. Work your way back around the
house in the opposite direction to
previously, until you have carried
out the dumping process on every
radiator individually.
16. Now with the pump still set to dump
direct the flow through the cylinder
coil until it runs clear. Dump in the
other direction until clear.
Jetflush Rapid Guidelines (19-02-15).indd 16
17. If you have a TDS meter (Total
Dissolved Solids) it is useful to
test the water at this stage.
18. The reading should be compared
with a mains water sample
reading, and the dumping process
continued until both readings are
within 5–10% of each other.
19. Return the flushing pump into
normal re-circulation mode, re-open
all radiator valves, and the cylinder
coil, and move to page 20.
NOTE: When using Sentinel X800
Fast Acting Cleaner, there is no
requirement to neutralise after
the flushing process.
Jetflush Rapid V1-02-15
19/02/2015 12:13